photo edit friday

Pool Deck Facelift

It’s time for another Photo Edit Friday! This house isn’t for sale and the owners wanted the pictures for something else but they hadn’t been able to refinish their deck yet. Fortunately we were able to give it a little digital facelift. It’s fun to do the big changes like this sometimes. Usually we just photoshop ourselves out of bathroom mirrors.

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Editing Magic

We have a fun behind the scenes look at MediaCarrot today. On our last photo shoot of a kitchen remodel our client didn't like the cushioned brown stools the homeowners used at their kitchen island. He preferred a more modern design to show off his work. Instead of carrying different stools with us for the shoot we had our editors digitally remove the brown ones and put in the more modern ones you see in the blog post. It's so cool to see how good the stools look and know they weren't even there. We love our editors.